Pharmakon, without appeal, Bălă

07/11/2018 21:00

Control Club / Constantin Mille 4, Bucharest, Romania

During this nomadic year, ODD NIGHTS has experienced an entire series of metamorphoses, from format to venue to this last minute line up change that we couldn’t be happier about. If anyone had told us even a year ago that we would end our fourth season with such a show, we would have never believed them.

Margaret Chardiet aka Pharmakon is not just a noise artist or a performer – her music has a visceral corporeality, almost tangible, sublimating emotion through a confrontational form of vulnerability. Through her live shows, Pharmakon completely blows up the convention of the passive spectator, pulling you out of your phone screen or daydreaming torpor through blistering walls of noise, shrieks and howls of gracious atavism, coupled with an incredible stage presence, reminiscent of punk brutality. The Greek pharmakos means both the curse and the cure. The tragedy and the catharsis. There are no better words to describe her music.

Listen to the recording >>


The Kiwi/Romanian interdisciplinary collab – without appeal – is an artist collective founded by Lia Boscu and Will Gresson. Born out of a dialogue concerning notions of the archive, it functions as a framework to present research-oriented projects within wider collaborative networks. – without appeal – also operates as a self-publishing imprint, releasing books, zines and sound work in limited runs.

Listen to the recording >>


Bucharest sweetheart Bălă, previously known for being part of the psychedelic Plurabelle (with Gabriela Fierbințeanu and Cristian Fierbințeanu) and Fluid (with Paula Dunca), will complete the night with his fresh weirdo pop project, inspired by Teleorman mythologies inherited from his grandma, Dumitra.

Listen to the recording >>



Pharmakon is a solo industrial noise project of Margaret Chardiet (born June 19, 1990), based out of New York City and formed in 2007. Pharmakon’s live musical act has been described as confrontational and concise, attempting to “cross the boundary between performer and audience”. Her songs are completely prearranged both live and in recordings, more focused on perfecting a sound rather than generating randomness in noise. [Source: Wikipedia]

without appeal

without appeal is an artist collective founded by Lia Boscu and Will Gresson  in late 2016. Born out of a dialogue concerning notions of the archive, it functions as a framework to present research-oriented projects within wider collaborative networks. without appeal also operates as a self-publishing imprint, releasing books, zines and sound work in limited runs. without appeal has both an online and offline presence.


Bălă is the fresh weirdo pop project of Alex Bălă, inspired by Teleorman mythologies inherited from the artist’s grandma, Dumitra.