The Q&A column in the Polish online publication BLOK magazine focuses on the indeterminate borders between off-/project-/artist-run spaces and the people that keep them going. Cristina Bogdan answers the smart questions asked by Kathryn Zazenski.
Being is becoming: the deterritorialization of The Paintbrush Factory

A very good assessment by Raluca Țurcanașu of the role that the Paintbrush Factory (Fabrica de Pensule) in Cluj played for the local art scene. As they are closing down and/or starting anew, a group of curators and artists associated with the Factory also attempted an overview of the so-called independent scene; ODD is one of the initiatives they looked at.
Together, once again: working visit to Bucharest

Curators Danielle van Zuijlen and Stijn Demeulenaere look back on their visit to Bucharest, including their long afternoon at ODD.
On Curating as Politics of Care in the Archipelago of Elastic Time

"Starting from the principle of living art that is meaningful to the individual and community, the Who cares? project included two stages, a visit by the Romanian team (Cristina Bogdan, Vasile Leac, Irina Gheorghe and Ștefan Tiron) to Indonesia, followed by the residency of Wimo Ambala Bayang, Adelina Luft and Elia Nurvista in Bucharest. Without implementing any rules or restrictions, the two groups have freely trained in a game of relationship, knowledge, and self-knowledge." Raluca Nestor Oancea casts a fresh look at the artistic exchange between Bucharest and Yogyakarta devised by ODD.
Dimineața Crossover

Listen to ODD NIGHTS co-curator Andra Chițimuș discussing her work for the series with Maria Balabas from Dimineața Crossover at Radio România Cultural. The discussion is in Romanian.
Practices of Care as Curatorial Processes in Bucharest

"Do we care at similar intensities about similar subjects and matters in order to become a movement?" asks Cristina Vasilescu in her text for the online magazine Temporary, Practices of Care as Curatorial Processes in Bucharest, in which she discusses 4 local independent spaces:, Salonul de Proiecte, CNDB and ODD.
Feral Choir: magic and contemporary art

"The sixteen participants hold a double status which is contradictory – they are instruments orchestrated by Phil Minton and unleashed forces of nature all at once." Raluca Oancea (Nestor) in Revista ARTA about Phil Minton's Feral Choir, our ODD NIGHT #15 on July 12, 2017.
The Month of History – The Outsiders. SAVAGED pINK – (manifest) for an LGBT archive

Read a review in Revista ARTA of all the art projects part of LGBT History Month including SAVAGED pINK, by Valentina Iancu.
Cum arăta presa gay în România anilor 90

Ionuț Dulămiță tells for Scena 9 the story of the archive of gay press and correspondence from the 90s we showed as part of SAVAGED pINK. Text in Romanian.
Artă, tehnologie și postumanism

Raluca Nestor-Oancea discusses various projects on art, technology & post-humanism, among which The Disappearance of Technology. Please use your Google robot to translate the text from Romanian.
Geniul nedorit: Întoarcerea omului mort

Read an amazing literary take on The Return of Bas Jan Ader by The Chronicle founder George Șerban. Text only in Romanian (and hardly translatable).
The 'Independent' Condition

An account of the independent East scene by Vlad Morariu in, where ODD is also discussed.
ODDBALLS & KNOTHEADS. Anti-psychiatry and resistance

A thorough discussion of our project KNOTS by Georgiana Cojocaru in Revista ARTA.
Mituri urbane. Despre „fetele de la APACA” și fantoma de pe terenul viran de peste drum

In June 2015, ODD hosted Sonja Hornung and Larisa Crunțeanu with a project about the myths surrounding the APACA site in Bucharest, C-Femina Subtetrix. The nosy speculations of the 2 artists sparked the interest of DIGICULT, Romania’s foremost TV cultural show. You can see the result of their investigation – and further question the fine line between truth and reality.
The Fall of Enthusiasm

An interview in Revista ARTA by Ștefan Iancu with Jonathan Lahey Dronsfield about his residency at ODD.
Interview with Cristina Bogdan in Observatorul Cultural

Read the interview with Cristina Bogdan upon the opening of ODD in December 2014, conducted by Iulia Popovici from Observator Cultural (in Romanian only).