From state to private. From private to occulted.
During communism, private life in Romania was enjoying a closeted state, being almost a tabu subject.
A few books of sexual education, a few movies about high-aimed, socialist, cast and revolutionary love stories.
Life was somewhere else, in life.
The turbulent fantasy replaced by confinement.
On the opposite side, the model of the socialist, Yugoslav, relaxed republic, where you could distribute even erotic magazines and broadcast hexed movies, seemed an Adriatic legend.
The series of exhibitions Calodemonic Explanations: private, reprived, de-prived sets out to insist on the occultation of the object / moment of private life.
Instruments of daily life or propagandistic images, beyond which you can foresee life.
Private regime as an omission.
A deviant reading of the official images succeeds only to evoke the absence of a libidinal regime drained by a rigid, proletarian moral.
The ecstasy purged by secret life.

Bogdan Lypkhan
Bogdan Lypkhan, aretinal (non)artist, sophosphe and pornosophe, interested in the theory of photography, sects and secret organizations, magic and occultism. He published a book, Fuck Tense. A few others await their editor.