Jérémie Gaulin and sabrina soyer invite you to a cross-presentation of their works under the concept of Pharmakon. Pharmakon is a Greek word meaning both poison and remedy. It is used by Derrida in “Plato’s pharmacy” to highlight a relationship between drugs and writing, how the substance of writing leads us to an experience of the simulacrum and of memory. Derrida in his text not only insists on the prevalence of writing and reading in the making of knowledge and the research of the truth, he also points out the question of their dosage in a Western culture where consumption has invaded every field, every aspect of our living.
Both Jérémie Gaulin and sabrina soyer use writing in their art practice as a way to reflect on the making of history related to memory. The texts and works of sabrina soyer mix biographical and autobiographical sources to test the boundaries between memory and imagination. The way she uses English in her poems also reveals how langage is contaminated by communication and how self-expression is haunted by mechanical tongues and alien voices.
Jérémie Gaulin uses writing and oral discourse as a medium in his performances. He uses philosophy as a poetical tool to play with definitions and meanings of objects surrounding us. He basically performs the readability of objects through their technicality, their usability.