Jérémie Gaulin and sabrina soyer met in Bordeaux, a city also know as an ecological niche for mad travellers. As natives of this city, they became themselves travel addicts. The residency they are doing in ODD is their first collaboration.
For a full month they will work together, doing walks in suburban parts of Bucarest and researching the history of urbanism and architecture in Bucarest by studying old maps of the city.
Their project is to create a dissociated audio-visual installation, with a black and white movie byJérémie and an audio-guide sabrina is writing and recording. During their residency, the space at ODD will be used to give talks and readings related to their past and actual researches.
For the White Night of the Galleries on September 30, Jérémie and sabrina will show the work in progress from their residency in Bucharest. The space is opne all night, from 20.00 to 4.00.