The presentation reflects on the interaction between some dominant political views and selected artistic and cultural practice at independent art scene in Serbia in the period of two decades (1999-2019). The period, which is usually referred to as “transitional” is marked by a permanent turmoil in ideological and political understanding and positioning of contemporary art and activist scene. Contradictions in understanding of role and function of artistic and cultural production in (East-European) transition are getting more analyzable due to a number of past and present activist and theoretical disputes on their concepts, methods and outcomes. The presentation will discuss some typical points in related debates in Serbia and the region of former Yugoslavia, opening a possibility for some wider critical insights and reflections.

Nebojša Milikić
Nebojša Milikić (b. 1964). Cultural worker and producer, lives and works in Belgrade, Serbia. Since 1990 engaged in political activism, organizational, artistic and curatorial practice in visual and relational arts, independent research, writing and debating about cultural and social problems. Participates in number of independent research projects and activist campaigns in country and abroad. From 1999 onward works in Cultural Center Rex in Belgrade, as the initiator and coordinator of various programs and projects. Member of the initiative No To Rehabilitation and the non-governmental cultural organization ReEX, dedicated to struggle against historical revisionism and negationism.