This evening we look at projects that work with casting, rehearsals and improvisation as artistic strategies.
Christian Jankowski, Casting Jesus, 2011, 60 minutes
Using a talent show format, Christian Jankowski invites 13 professional actors to cast for the role of Jesus in a fictional production. A distinguished panel: Monseñor José Manuel del Rio Carrasco, Vatican Priest; Sandro Barbagallo, Art Critic at the Vatican’s L’Osservatore Romano newspaper, and Massimo Giraldi, journalist and Secretary of the Commission for Film Classification of the Italian Bishop Conference, are designated to choose the Next Jesus Christ. Filmed in the Complesso Santo Spirito in Sassia in Rome, the film questions how the Catholic Church perceives the artistic representation of Jesus today and how, in turn, this image is translated into pop culture.
Xandra Popescu and Adrian Knuppertz, You Are Safe with Me, 2015, 3:45 minutes
We could consider the figure of the security guard has become an emblem of gentrification in the Old City of Bucharest. Seizing the affinity between the aesthetic of the pin-up and that of the uniform Xandra Popescu and Adrian Kunppertz created a 2017 pin-up calendar and a video, that taken together, may function as works of art and maybe as a corporate gift. Or at least that’s what the artists are hoping for.
Xandra Popescu, Art and Identity Politics in Bed Together, work in progress, 2016, 10 minutes
Tries to be a comic operetta. Four artists recite, whisper or mumble catch phrases in the jargon of contemporary art. The result is a microcosm of creative labour in which subjectivity is the commodity, and attention the currency.