If you wanna be toxic, you gotta get the toxic. The supreme toxic is rawly, anonymously and trans-logically working on the psyche through Romanian pop music of the ’70 or ’80, dub rounds, generated by the confetti of an eternally refreshed sensuous system. They will dislocate, propelling the idea of a spontaneous and hardcore interconnectivity, invoking kundalini insinuations, Kali’s sitars and emotions as for a digital, eternally transfigurative veil in the eye: lypkhan, val chimic, Ana UZURA and Morfolina. When the basic work (music) promises some proto-fatal toxicity, pop-communists – the compulsory-afferent goddesses of the exhibition curated by bogdan lypkhan, come with a toxic-vegetal, mixing from a garden of gradients and emotional-musical virtualities that instead of saving, are positively poisoning you. The Work Turbine: a temporary and authentically roundup for exaggerated enthusiasm about music or something that upgrades you.