Iulain Mereuță, Man as a Clock, CAYC, 1972
Iullian Mereuță, Man as a Clock, CAYC, 1972


Friday 27 May   19.00   Opening

Saturday 28 May   19.00   ‘Education as Struggle, Struggle as Education’, talk by Jakob Jakobsen, followed by discussion

Sunday 29 May  19.00  ‘R.D. Laing: Psychiatry, Experience, Politics’, talk by Vlad Morariu, followed by a screening of Asylum (1972, dir. Peter Robinson)

Monday 6 June   19.00   Screening of All Divided Selves (2011, dir. Luke Fowler), followed by a debate led by Cristina Bogdan

Tuesday 7 June   19.00   Screening of Did You Used to Be R.D. Laing? (1987, dir. Tom Shandel), followed by a debate led by Cristina Bogdan

Wednesday 15 June   19.00   Screening of a selection of films about the La Borde psychiatric clinic, followed by a debate led by Cosmina Moroșan

Thursday 16 June   19.00   ESFORTZ, schizo-analytic lecture-performance by Cosmina Moroșan

Thursday 23 June   19.00   ‘Prison for 1’, public presentation of the work of Iulian Mereuță by Decebal Scriba and Magda Radu


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