Iulian Mereuță, Praga-Brno (performance, August 1968)
Iulian Mereuță, Praga-Brno (performance, August 1968)

Here are some links to various knowledge tools connected to the topics developed in this project: schizo-culture, the counter-cultural movements of the 60s and 70s, the Eastern (specifically Romanian) scene in the same period, alternative and radical education, radical artistic initiatives.






MayDay Rooms

The Antihistory project

Big Flame

East London Big Flame

Revolt Against Plenty

Wealth of Negations


Frequently Nowhere

R.D. Laing Estate

The Philadephia Association

AntiUniversity Now

Semiotexte: Schizo Culture

Semiotexte: Nietzsche’s Return

William Boroughs on Schizo Culture

Jeff Nuttall, Bomb Culture

Cosmina Moroșan, În prezența unui artist-terapeut. Fernand Deligny

Cosmina Moroșan, Gilles Deleuze la Vincennes