The publication stemming from the collaboration between MettFactory / Prague, Czech Republic; HIT Gallery / Bratislava, Slovakia; Visual Culture Research Centre / Kyiv, Ukraine; FKSE Studio of Young Artists Association / Budapest, Hungary; Trafostacja Sztuki / Szczecin, Poland; tranzit.at / Vienna, Austria and ODD has finally reached local libraries.
It is edited by Lucia Kvočáková & Piotr Sikora, curators of AiR program MeetFactory, and features texts by Cristina Bogdan, Flora Gado, Oleksyi Radinsky, Agata Pyzik, Anetta Mona Chișa, Milena Bartlová, Jan Sowa, Katarzyna Murawska-Muthesius, as well as an interview with Boris Buden by Cristina Bogdan & Piotr Sikora.
The texts cover new terms for this dictionary for Eastern and Central Europe, as well as contributions from the talks and exhibitions organised during the program.
You can order it here.