
ODD NIGHT #14 _ Their POP Majesties

Dialogue + party-performance Morfolina feat. Vagenta



Is there any pop-feminism? (we probe an authentically and non-resentful conceptualisation of a “becoming woman” through Romanian contemporary poetry: from Elena Vlădăreanu, Ruxandra Novac, Gabi Eftimie to Val Chimic — autistic, androgynous and asexual voices linked to the theorisations of Serres, Harraway or Rosi Brandotti — who refuse even the etiquette of being a “subject”).

Can we develop an ethics around this radical effect of empowerment coming from many contemporary business-female-artists or what kind of empowerment are we talking about if Beyonce’s, Rihanna’s (recently decorated by Harvard) or their younger colleagues as Banks’ and Brooke Candy’s logic of exposing seems hyper capitalistic? (discussing scenes from Artemis — a documentary about female rappers in UK)

Are we witnessing a positive hybridisation left-right or even a serene adjustment of left with the social accountability of technology and, implicitly, a relaxation of genre hierarchies or in what way can we think real social politics in this direction? (discussing the emotional and social context of women in Romania)

We celebrate female electro-hip hop through a (video) mix, a micro performance by Morfolina and DIY poetry Vagenta style.