If 2015 was a first year of experiment, working with foreign guests and establishing connections to the local scene, in 2016 the focus shifts towards encouraging Romanian artists to work through their practice and propose interventions in the new space, a typical gallery one, in which the function and workings of art are questioned.

The calendar features month-long solo shows by local artist with the occasional foreign residency. A new development is multi-faceted projects in which art becomes a component alongside theory, history, politics and education. We encourage more organic approaches to the art project and continue the attempts at forming a community of artists and public, in which one has as much power and interest as the other.

A first attempt is made at organizing projects outside the gallery space involving a less typical art public and new media such as documentary film, interviews, public performances and screenings.

Overall, 2016 is yet another testing ground towards a more coherent approach to the curatorial, which should become the main development in 2017.

The Disappearance of Technology

Mihaela Drăgan, Nona Inescu, Veda Popovici, Mircea Nicolae

12/11/2016 - 11/12/2016

Șelari 13, Bucharest, Romania

ODD hosts the third project in the Interactivity Series, an exhibition with 3 contemporary artists for which Modulab provided technical support and advice.

The Return of Bas Jan Ader

von blaremberg

12/10/2016 - 10/11/2016

Șelari 13, Bucharest, Romania

The Return of Bas Jan Ader materializes shadows of objects ectoplasmically densified, collateral to an insignifiance du politique.

Give concrete a try

Jeremie Gaulin, sabrina soyer

29/08/2016 - 10/10/2016

Șelari 13, Bucharest, Romania

The project of the two French artists is to create a dissociated audio-visual installation, with a black and white movie by Jérémie and an audio-guide sabrina is writing and recording. During their residency, the space at ODD will be used to give talks and readings related to their past and actual researches.

Hot Streets

Cristina Bogdan, Mihnea Mihalache-Fiastru, Petre Fall

25/07/2016 - 30/09/2016

Șelari 13, Bucharest, Romania

The project is based on the complementary approaches of curator Cristina Bogdan, who since 2014 leads ODD, and Mihnea Mihalache-Fiastru, author of the web series of docu-fiction and urban storytelling Şuşanele. Together, they want to lay the foundations of artistic and educational initiatives outside the limited space of the gallery through which to test live, in urban residential areas, ideas and formats that we have experimented with in our artistic approach.

Exchange Agent

Simion Cernica

21/06/2016 - 30/08/2016

Șelari 13, Bucharest, Romania

The artist as agent of cultural exchange. The artist as agent of social change.


(Schizo)Culture, (Counter)Education, (Anti)Psychiatry

Cristina Bogdan, Vlad Morariu

27/05/2016 - 26/06/2018

Șelari 13, Bucharest, Romania

The display articulated at ODD aims to construct a communicative situation, which is already entangled, disjunctive, double-bound, and in an impasse: in other words, problematic.

Atena adjusting her sandal

Adelina Ivan, Georgiana Cojocaru

12/04/2016 - 08/05/2016 20:00

Șelari 13, Bucharest, Romania

Adelina Ivan’s installation at ODD delimits an immersive démarche into a universe of feminine dreams, school uniforms and girlhood pathos.