After inviting artists, curators and other thinkers to investigate the notion of privacy as part of our 2017 program, a shared interest in means & methods of coming together emerged. From various angles, our guests questioned contemporary possibilities of sharing space, ideas and emotions at a scale which bypasses hierarchy and alienation. It seems as though young people around ODD are curious about what can be done when everyone is just a whisper away.

In 2018, four young women curators perform their interests together with an artist of their choice. Adriana Blidaru invites Shaun Motsi, Georgiana Cojocaru works with Open School East member Lou Lou Sainsbury, Cristina Vasilescu brings the house down together with Nora Silva, and Anca Bucur collaborates with like-minded Mara Genschel.

In addition, ODD begins a collaboration with several collectives in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Initiated by Cristina Bogdan and Adelina Luft, Who Cares? is a first attempt to question uncommon constellations, unmediated territories, and common oddities of the Global South.

Trigger Warning

There There

01/11/2018 - 07/11/2018

Tranzit / Gazelei 44, Bucharest, Romania

London-based performance company There There expand Trigger Warning, a participatory installation which contests stereotypes about Eastern European immigrants.


Domesticated spaces. Taming the public

Mara Genschel, Anca Bucur

01/10/2018 - 30/10/2018

Tranzit / Gazelei 44, Bucharest, Romania

Relaying on the concept of performative working/labor, Mara Genschel enacts during this 4-weeks FUR SESSIONS the repetition as a way to mark the event of difference and to amplify the sequence to sequence becomings of herself and her art.

I never went | Low Animal Spirits | weirdos from another

Cristina Vasilescu, Nora Silva, Ami Clarke, Nilz Källgren

07/08/2018 - 19/09/2018

Tranzit / Gazelei 44, Bucharest, Romania

In times of increasing mass surveillance and hypervisibility – what is privacy, and how is it manifested? Has privacy become a notion of nostalgia – an exotic algorithm?

The New Dictionary of Old Ideas

ODD x Meetfactory

Cristina Bogdan, Vasile Leac, Nita Mocanu, Marius Stoica

09/07/2018 - 17/08/2018

MeetFactory / Prague, Czech Republic

In 2018, ODD is a partner in the Meetfactory Arists-in-Residency project The New Dictionary of Old Ideas, a network of independent cultural institutions within Central and Eastern Europe.

The Unstable Condition of Zhong Zhong & Hua Hua

Lou Lou Sainsbury, Georgiana Cojocaru

07/06/2018 - 28/06/2018

Tranzit / Gazelei 44, Bucharest, Romania

Working from a multidisciplinary orientation of moving image, sound, text and live performance (informed by biosemiotics, materialist philosophy and queer studies), artist & writer Lou Lou Sainsbury and writer & curator Georgiana Cojocaru consider recent birth of two cloned monkeys Zhong Zhong & Hua Hua.

The Nü Sensitivity Anthology

Shaun Motsi, Adriana Blidaru

16/05/2018 - 12/06/2018

Tranzit / Gazelei 44, Bucharest, Romania

The Nü Sensitivity project traces connections between narrativity, subjectivity, identity, and the world.

Who Cares?

Wimo Ambala Bayang, Cristina Bogdan, Irina Gheorghe, V. Leac, Adelina Luft, Elia Nurvista, Ștefan Tiron

15/03/2018 - 15/11/2018

Uncommon constellations, unmediated territories, common oddities. From Bucharest to Jogja and back again, the exchange residency connects grassroots artistic organizations – ODD in Bucharest with KUNCI Cultural Center, MES 56 and Lifepatch in Yogyakarta – in order to trace new real and imagined lines of decolonization.